The pros and cons of CI CD pipelines

Parallel testing and end-to-end testing are the key capabilities that help increase test coverage and shorten the time to market the software. Once the builds have passed the tests, they are moved to the deployment phase then pushed into a test server. This phase allows developers to simulate the product in a production-equivalent environment to examine see the product features. Integrating CI and CD into your production line will establish a continuous and automated cycle in which deliveries are completed faster with more value. All team members can stay on track of their projects and provide feedback in real-time; thus, any bugs or issues can be quickly identified and resolved. A well-functioning CI/CD process is a productive solution to speed up the deployment pace and make each release more valuable to the end-users.

Automated and continuous testing is applied in this phase to utilize the builds and make sure there are no bugs remaining. During the source and build stages, perform SCA, SAST and other basic code scans for style and security standards. When the build is completed, apply a battery of established test conditions using test tools. Start with simple functional validation, and systematically expand testing to more complex and comprehensive integration, in-depth security (such as DAST) and performance.

Continuous integration vs. continuous delivery vs. continuous deployment

This also enables pipelines to make full use of all the benefits containerization orchestration affords, such as resilience and scaling where required. However, the use of automation, experimentation, DevOps, and best practices across the entire development life cycle and all development components – including CI/CD pipelines – can make a difference. The goal of the continuous delivery pipeline stage is to deploy new code with minimal effort, but still allow a level of human oversight.

features of an excellent CI/CD pipeline

Put simply, CI enables DevOps teams to streamline code development using automation. CI simplifies software builds and source code integration, enables version control, and promotes greater collaboration via automation. Where CI leaves off, continuous delivery kicks in with automated testing and deployment. Not only does CD reduce the amount of “hands on” time ops pros need to spend on delivery and deployment, it also enables teams to drastically reduce the number of tools required to manage the lifecycle.

Why Should You Start Your CI/CD Pipeline Today

Ideally, tests should run each time you save a file on your development machine. Most will allow you to track file changes and re-run the tests when needed. This establishes a rapid feedback loop that CI CD pipeline adds consistency and will likely save hours of developers’ time every week. Setting up a good CI/CD pipeline is worth all the effort because of the significant time and resources it saves afterwards.

  • Again, small incremental iterations ensure that any problems revealed in testing are identified and remediated quickly and less expensively than traditional software development approaches.
  • In it, I count no less than four topics on CI/CD in the early and late majority.
  • If hurdles stand between the code developers and putting out the production environment, team members may inevitably be tempted to seek out the path of least resistance.
  • It is a gatekeeper with the power to block code commits to the mainline branch and deployments to production.
  • Now that you have a picture of where we’re going, let’s break it down and talk about how to enforce these best practices.
  • Documentation also contributes to an organization’s compliance and security posture, enabling leaders to audit activities.

The constant feedback loop helps make the pipeline a closed process where builds are continuously committed, tested, and deployed to production. A CI/CD pipeline is a deployment pipeline integrated with automation tools and improved workflow. If conducted properly, it will minimize manual errors and enhance the feedback loops throughout the SDLC, allowing teams to deliver smaller chunks of releases within a shorter time. Much of this relies on automation but may involve human testing to shake down nuances of the build. This is sometimes called an alpha or development release, and involves only a small base of well-informed testers and users. CD likewise relies heavily on tools and automation to take a build through advanced testing, including functional, user acceptance, configuration and load testing.

More about DevOps

The ability to automate various phases of the CI/CD pipeline helps development teams improve quality, work faster and improve other DevOps metrics. CI begins in shared repositories, where teams collaborate on code using version control systems (VCS) like Git. A VCS keeps track of code changes and makes them easy to revert if something breaks. It also enables configuration as code, which allows teams to manage testing, infrastructure, and more as versioned artifacts. As mentioned above, the need for CI/CD infrastructure to operate and scale accordingly to the growing pace of the product team is high.

features of an excellent CI/CD pipeline

Repos provide a comprehensive version control system, which ensures developers work on the latest codebase and integrate the latest components in the build process. These steps are typically automated with scripts or through workflows in automation tools. Deployments also usually connect to error reporting and ticketing tools to find unexpected errors after the build is deployed and alert developers. Users can also submit bug tickets to denote real or perceived errors with the release.

Katalon Platform End-to-End Software Quality Management for CI/CD

A good CI/CD strategy means developers get the freedom to focus on essential aspects of the project without worrying about other time-consuming, minuscule tasks. They can also work confidently, knowing that errors will be caught automatically and not right before deployment. The bottleneck between writing the code and delivery hinders many organizations. Compared to cycle time, lead time to deploy does not account for the time taken to write the code and focuses solely on the pipeline efficiency.

In TDD, we write the test first, set the objectives the code must meet a priori, and then write the minimal code needed for the test to pass. Finally, we refactor and improve the code until we have a modular and clean commit to push. Second, short branches naturally lead to working in small and safe increments.

CI/CD Pipeline: Demystifying The Complexities

Generally speaking, you’d use Docker to deploy cloud-native software, and this stage of the pipeline builds the necessary Docker containers. If an app doesn’t pass this stage, you should address it immediately because it suggests something is fundamentally wrong with the configuration. Pipelines are fundamental to continuous integration and delivery (CI/CD). Learn how CI/CD pipelines work and how they automate code tests and builds. A laggy release cycle could lead to customer attrition and cost the business bottom line.

features of an excellent CI/CD pipeline

A rapid, accurate, and continuous feedback loop will effectively give shape to an organizational culture of learning and responsibility. Before diving into the whats and whys of Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery (CI/CD) pipeline, let’s start with how it has become a trend in the software delivery domain. In other words, when you enforce standard CI/CD practices with a proper CI/CD pipeline, you meet 25% of the items on the Joel Test.


The pipeline must ensure the output is always stabilized with the same input without oscillations in runtime. Deployment timing is one of the key elements that decide the success of your product release. Timely deployment helps increase engagement with customers, gain profit, support pricing, and boost market goals for your business. With the right time to market, the product’s ROI will significantly increase.